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 Glorns Finished Lifesteal build

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Ohh Captain our Captain
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Glorns Finished Lifesteal build Empty
PostSubject: Glorns Finished Lifesteal build   Glorns Finished Lifesteal build EmptyThu May 13, 2010 1:44 pm

Before I start, I will include that Vortex and avatar both injure this build, but NEITHER of them can destroy it!

Space Marine

Why? He kicks ass. Some people would use frost demon here; but considering I play "no modes" where moving to creep spawns is important, I stick with my marine. That, and the BAT.


Life Drain:
Why? Rape. This skill is rape. Don't ever let anyone tell you different.

Holy Light:
Why? Moar heals! You can swap out defensive skills if you want, but I wanted one that avatar couldn't count. Vortex still will though.

Endurance aura:
The main reason frost demon could work, is because of endurance. However, I will still stick with Geddy Lee.

Doom Roots:
You kiddin me? Fucking Doom Roots. Few people will pick abolish magic as their innate. In a team game, you can usually find 1 person unlucky enough to have no counter. Great for ganking, great for bosses, great for duels.

Armor Bonus:
So you dont need to get much armor early game.

Fire Orb
Power Gauntlets
Magic Shield
Spiked Gloves
One Ring
Rod of Immo
Scepter of Prim
Ring Mastery
Gloves of death

Figure it out from there.

Easy as hell to use; Start off putting all points into endurance. At 7, put your point into life drain though. I hit 8 for the first duel, without leaving my side of the map, and with no modes; and had enough time to return to base and buy items after hitting 8.

Once you get WW, make sure to WW while you life drain; very nice.
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Master Spammer
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Glorns Finished Lifesteal build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glorns Finished Lifesteal build   Glorns Finished Lifesteal build EmptyThu May 13, 2010 3:20 pm

great build blah blah blah, but it seems to me that farming skills are useless now. farming with endurance? sure, you get your heals, but those cost mana and you shouldnt be able to rely on those for good farming. just something that i have recently realized with revo. i just tried a build - feed back, spiked armor, bash, and reinc and managed to get to lvl 7 by the first duel, with 23 ex till lvl 8. sure, not lvl 8, but you can now afford to get pwnage skills without wasting a skill on a farming one. just what i think
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Smart Player
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Glorns Finished Lifesteal build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glorns Finished Lifesteal build   Glorns Finished Lifesteal build EmptyThu May 13, 2010 4:17 pm

sure those will work now, but a decent ganking build will rape MOST builds without a true farming skill. And glorn, i like it =) and btw, on my frost demon i almost always pick abolish, even if my enemies don't get anything to remove, or frost staff, i use it for elementals.
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Brilliant Player
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Glorns Finished Lifesteal build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glorns Finished Lifesteal build   Glorns Finished Lifesteal build EmptyThu May 13, 2010 4:53 pm

Ive been working on a build similar to this.

Life drain
Static shock
Weak const.

Put one point into static, then lvl Immo primarily, with Life drain alt.

So far ive got that with a tentative item build as...
Fire orb
upgraded agi cloak (forget name)
Imbude mail, magic shield
Totemic set
set armor
staff of shielding
work towards speed demon ring
Ring of masterful shielding
T2 Fire shield (I believe the skill and shield stack, correct me if im wrong glorn)
T2 elemental axe (anyone of them)

From there just build Mask, or boots if you are goiong to get beaten to mask.
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Brilliant Player
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Glorns Finished Lifesteal build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glorns Finished Lifesteal build   Glorns Finished Lifesteal build EmptyThu May 13, 2010 5:20 pm

Also glorn i believe you mean space or not space marine.
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Ohh Captain our Captain
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Glorns Finished Lifesteal build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glorns Finished Lifesteal build   Glorns Finished Lifesteal build EmptyThu May 13, 2010 5:29 pm

I must argue against your build.

avatar, and even supersonic ring would work. You are a ranged hero with immolation. With a 100% spell damage build, you are based on getting hit. with only 1 point early into static, you have to wait to late game for it to have power. by that point, spell immunity will take over.

I believe it would work well in some games, if uncountered, but it can be easily countered with only the use of items, if need be; also you have no ganking prevention at all; except the hope that you can out DPS them. You even have a slow hero, so running is out of the picture.\

ohh yeah, orc, not marine!
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Smart Player
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Glorns Finished Lifesteal build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glorns Finished Lifesteal build   Glorns Finished Lifesteal build EmptyFri May 14, 2010 12:56 am

Ive also tried something similar...
I at first went with space orc, but i like melee better so right now I have
mana flare
armor/ hp regen/ abol magic whatever im feeling innate
weak constitution
same starting item set as you glorn I actually stole it its loads better than mine was, I hardly ever play str. However, I work in getting boots of speed.
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Brilliant Player
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Glorns Finished Lifesteal build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glorns Finished Lifesteal build   Glorns Finished Lifesteal build EmptyFri May 14, 2010 3:16 pm

Yeah the build sucks glorn, but i figured it was worth a try, with all the new skills im just trying anything i can think of.
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You Got a Blue Star!
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Glorns Finished Lifesteal build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glorns Finished Lifesteal build   Glorns Finished Lifesteal build EmptyFri May 14, 2010 7:02 pm

id like to bring up souls pvp build as a counter to this, because i think it would cause you alottttt of problems

i believe it was
soul burn
static shock
consume mana shield

with consume and static shock he was leveling really well and the static shock and consume combo would hurt you both hpwise and mp wise. when soul burn and mana shield kicked in im not really sure you would have a chance especially since he could just consume/soul burn you while rooted, making it much more minor than it is on most builds and keeping life drain from raping him.
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Ohh Captain our Captain
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Glorns Finished Lifesteal build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glorns Finished Lifesteal build   Glorns Finished Lifesteal build EmptyFri May 14, 2010 7:59 pm

Yiff used souls "real" build on me, and it hurt. It was close quite a few times, but I ended up losing.

My normal build though, I used after that game, it it just completely destroys every aspect of souls build; he would need to change at least 2 skills to be able to make it an even fight. I wont post it until I beat him with it though.
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Glorns Finished Lifesteal build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glorns Finished Lifesteal build   Glorns Finished Lifesteal build EmptySat May 15, 2010 4:58 pm

I'll post for you, gg

and the illidan build is fun, but not my best. I consider my Naga, Panda, and Frost demon builds to be better.
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Glorns Finished Lifesteal build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glorns Finished Lifesteal build   Glorns Finished Lifesteal build EmptySat May 15, 2010 7:19 pm

Now after talking to glorn a bit, I'm trying
Space Orc
Static Shock
This is because before i thought weak c amplified lifesteal bc thats what fattest posted, but apparently not. However, there is a game trigger this way for banish, so banish+doom roots+ lifesteal will deal lots of damage and be a good heal.
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Glorns Finished Lifesteal build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glorns Finished Lifesteal build   Glorns Finished Lifesteal build EmptySat May 15, 2010 9:28 pm

honestly i hate roots, way too risky, if i want a disable, death orb 100% (works well with boner wall)

And i ddint know hp/mana stealing channel skills were set dmg, i assumed u could amp it.
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You Got a Blue Star!
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Glorns Finished Lifesteal build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glorns Finished Lifesteal build   Glorns Finished Lifesteal build EmptySun May 16, 2010 2:06 am

im pretty sure you can amp it, just by quick glance it seemed instead of healing 3/4 of my hp when i got weak c i was getting a heal from 50 hp to full. ill have to look into it more ><
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Ohh Captain our Captain
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Glorns Finished Lifesteal build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glorns Finished Lifesteal build   Glorns Finished Lifesteal build EmptySun May 16, 2010 2:09 am

you will have to test it, and get direct results for me to believe it. Otherwise, spell damage reduction would greatly affect life drains, and it doesnt. That would make all life drains completely useless. However, in the "gameplay constants" I can change it so that drains work with BANISH. And, i did change it to do so. So, if you banish a target, you can drain 66% more life while banish is active.
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PostSubject: Re: Glorns Finished Lifesteal build   Glorns Finished Lifesteal build Empty

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