Im coming back to america in 4-5 days had a huge turnament in north korea. cant say much on that topic under contract. well any ways i been having a lot of turnaments and winning tons of money. im coming back for the summer im hoping i can log on to wc3 while im in U.S so that i can join american servers again i had to start learning japenes again!! just so i can get to and from my hotel and the turnament area.
the games i was playing is Suns, 12sky2, warcraft cata, warcraft3 TFT, starcraft 2 and the brood war, halo 3/reach, perfect world, super mario galixy 2, some super nintendo games and tons more. i put a total of 1,000 or more hours into the turnament i have the most turnaments entered and the most hours for any turnament in north korea. my sister on the other hand has the record for female at 1,705 hours and 200 games within the time talk about DAMN!..
i know i have missed tons while i was away but im hopen i can get some more work done on my simulator and play some with you all again i will be getting on vent to talk to you all soon;.
BIG NOTE: so every one knows if im put on youtube or any other site like that even means facebook, myspace, myyearbook and others like that you can be charged if i deside to but i wont charge my friends like you all. im giving warnings now so incase north korea desides to charge you with somthing stupid. my mother cant even post about me winning a major turnament there without the cops after her its really sad.
OFF topic: any like to know whats going on with every one whats all new and all. i did find out one of my fathers died while i was away, i dont really care though because well he tryed putting my mother in jail for trying to vist me too bad for him i had the best laywers i could get for her and he had a crappy $250 one when i was paying like $2,000-$4,000 each and had 4 of them.
ANY ways im glad to be back and active again till i have to leave one the 18th of july for a north 6 month turnament spree. my korean father and mother are maken me i have foster parents yes!, they see me as family do to my mothers side (japenes) grandmas side 100% (korean)